The next February 6th, in Punta del Este, Uruguay, will be the stage for the Global Agribusiness Forum (GAF), an event that will bring together experts and leaders from the agricultural sector. One of the moments of the event will be dedicated to discussing the challenges and opportunities in international cooperation aimed at food security and sustainability in the region. The 2nd panel of the event, entitled “International Collaboration for Food Security and Sustainability: The Role of FAO”, will feature the participation of Gonzalo Kmaid Ricetto, Assistant Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Montevideo; Patricio Cortabarria, President of the Rural Association of Uruguay; and Peter Martel, Chief of the Environment, Rural Development and Disaster Risk Management Division of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The moderation will be in charge of Walter E. Baethgen, Vice President of the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA) and researcher at Columbia University in the United States. The meeting will be an opportunity to discuss collaborative strategies that make production systems more innovative, resilient and sustainable. With the growing environmental impact of food production, it is essential to adopt practices that reduce carbon emissions, promote the efficient use of natural resources and mitigate the effects of climate change. Despite representing only 8% of the world’s population, Latin America plays a crucial role in global food security. Now, one of the main global food production hubs – especially for soybeans, beef and poultry – it faces the challenge of balancing economic growth and environmental conservation. According to the FAO Regional Panorama of Food Security and Nutrition 2024 report, published on January 27, 20 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (73% of the region) are highly exposed to extreme weather events. In addition, 52% of these nations face a high risk of undernourishment due to environmental changes. This scenario highlights the urgency of initiatives for climate adaptation and sustainable development in food production, ensuring food security without compromising ecosystems.
About the Global Agribusiness Forum
THE GAF celebrates a special moment by landing in Uruguay and joining Agro en Punta & Business, a reference event in the Uruguayan agricultural sector. The forum will bring together global leaders, experts and entrepreneurs to discuss innovative and sustainable solutions to the challenges of agribusiness. Organized by DATAGRO since 2012, the GAF is recognized as the world’s leading forum for the sector, promoting high-level discussions on sustainability, technological innovation, international trade, food security and public policy. Now, alongside the Agriculture in Punta, the event takes on an unprecedented dimension, offering a strategic environment for exchanging knowledge, presenting new technologies and generating business.
In 2024, the GAF was held at Allianz Parque, in São Paulo, and also became a festival with a fair business (Fair), gastronomy (Food) and entertainment (Fun), the Global Agribusiness Festival (GAFFFF). The 2025 edition will take place on June 5th and 6th, and promises to be the largest ever held, with more than 90 hours of content, 20 thousand expected participants and more than 180 companies represented. One of the novelties of this edition is the opening of the GAF, traditionally restricted to invited guests, for the general public, democratizing access to discussions on the future of agriculture and livestock. The main topics covered will include climate change, preservation of natural resources and sustainable solutions to feed a constantly growing population. The edition will feature the participation of DATAGRO, ABCZ, ABPA, Abrafrutas, Abramilho, Bioenergy Brazil, Maizall, SRB and Unite.
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