On June 5th and 6th, 2025, Allianz Parque, in São Paulo, will host another edition of Global Agrobusiness Festival (GAFFFF), with different panels, which will bring discussions on the most varied subjects involving Brazilian and global agribusiness.
During panel 6B, which will take place on the first day of the event, Paul Artax, professor at the University of São Paulo (USP) and member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will discuss the severity of climate change and the respective impacts of current phenomena on crop production. Moderating the discussions, alongside him, will be Suani Coelho, coordinator of the Bioenergy Research Group (GBIO) at the Institute of Energy and Environment (IEE) at USP.
Changes in climate events bring new strategic needs so that agricultural cultivation is not adversely affected. The lack of rain and heat waves in Brazil may be some of the motivators for a new way of planting. “In addition to the slow reduction in precipitation and the slow increase in the average global temperature, without a doubt, the increase in the frequency and intensity of climate events are visible components of global climate change,” said Artaxo. In addition to raising questions about the climate impacts on Brazilian agricultural production, Paulo will share his perspective on productions that aim to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions…
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